Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blogging the binge

Guess I was feeling sorry for myself today. Aunt Flo is visiting and even though I'm on a ton of pain killers I still have cramps. I didn't get good sleep. I was feeling pissy and cranky. So after fighting with myself I knocked back 17 fish sticks with a side of hummus and 4 skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. Of course non of it made me feel any better. But, DH is on his way home from work, so I think I'll get on the treadmill for a bit and walk off some frustration.

On a brighter note the muscle relaxers seem to be working on my jaw. It's closer to normal position. This makes me optimistic about the non-surgical treatment. With any luck, it will progress faster than the 3 months the doc said. A girl can hope.

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